If you like this cool horse, you’ll probably like my writing
Here’s some of the pieces I’ve published.
The Repository Emporium, published by H.O.W. Journal online and in print (with illustrations) by Carrier Pigeon
The Dominant Woman, published by BORT Quarterly
An interview with Dan Kennedy, published by Publisher’s Weekly
The following reviews published by The Literary Review:
Camellia Street, by Mercè Rodoreda
Modern Love, by Constance DeJong
Family, Genus, Species, by Kevin Allardice
I Called Him Necktie, by Milena Michiko Flašar
Commentary, by Marcel Sauvageot
The Sad Passions, by Veronica Gonzales Passions
Mister Blue, by Jacques Poulin (review re-published by Archipelago Books)