God’s ex-girlfriend Stuff
Drinks with Tony
I had a great conversation with Tony DuShane on his podcast Drinks with Tony about what it was like to leave evangelicalism and enter the world of secular relationships again. SPOILER: it was weird! You can listen here.
Secular AZ: Secular Summit
I spoke on a panel about leaving a fundamentalist religion, as well as interacting with those who are still within one, at Secular AZ’s Secular Summit: When Reason Prevails. You can access a recording of the panel here.
other stuff I’ve done
Once upon a time, I watched a documentary on Netflix at my friend’s house about a performance series that turns your childhood journals into a ten-minute comedy sketch, and my friend said, “Excuse me, but you have to do this.” Thus began my journey with a one-hundred pound rolling suitcase to Gowanus, Brooklyn, where I met with three producers who were horrified by the enormity of my journal collection. I have appeared in the MORTIFIED performance at the Littlefield theater twice, and am now on their podcast. Check out episode 32 to hear about my child self’s undying love for Prince Harry.
No, YOU Tell It!
A switched-up storytelling event sounds like my kind of party, so I was lucky enough to be a part of the No, YOU Tell It! performance series for a night. Three other participants and I wrote non-fiction pieces based off the theme, “Temper, temper,” and then performed each other’s stories in front of a live audience. You can listen to it and see a picture of me with extremely long hair here.
I’ve had the pleasure of being a first time and returning guest at a number of reading series throughout Brooklyn, New York. Here’s a smattering of the series I’ve been asked to read fiction and non-fiction selections with.